It's amazing how something as a few muscle spasms can control your entire life. I'm on my fourth day of this, and it controls almost everything that I do. Either I am a complete wuss, or I am learning that when people have problems that are chronic, I need to be much more sympathetic. Probably a combination of both.
I think I figured out the whole bowel thing...why am I having to poop little poops all the time? I have been putting icey hot on my lower back, a menthol cream that helps to relax the muscles somewhat. But I think it is also having the effect of loosening the bowels that are right past the skin and outward muscles. If the skin and muscles (thin as they are, I need to get stronger there!) are loosening, then instead of my lower digestive/waste track building stuff up and then holding tight for one good poop in a day, then it's being loose and relaxed and shooting stuff through at a much faster rate, thus necessitating that I poop 4-6 times a day.
I went by and talked to my bus supervisors this morning and they were awesome about my condition, but I will try and get back to driving tomorrow. We have several other drivers with constant issues who gut it out and drive almost everyday...can I not do the same? They didn't say that, I did...but I know that I am important enough out there that they need me to come back. So in a bit I will crawl back into bed for most of the rest of the day, and hopefully my back will continue to heal.
I am also trying to get some office work done for sermons, because Bible classes and sermons still come around every week. I have no idea whether any of the work I am doing right now is really good, but it is getting done, and that's 90% of the job at this point. May God forgive me for some of the junk I am probably getting out of my studies. His word is studies of it are not, affected as they are by the condition of my earthly vessel.
If Saturday was excruciating, and Sunday was painful, and yesterday was agonizing turning into painful, then today is just painful with a tendency towards uncomfortable. I suppose this is progress?