I have a neighbor across the street who two years ago bought a large 5th wheel RV. The idea was that he was going to do some travelling with his girlfriend. He parked it in his driveway in anticipation of his great adventures.
Two years later, the 5th wheel has moved once, and that for two days out into the street in front of his house, before it finally was moved back into the exact same position. I am guessing that he had to get something out of his garage that he could not get otherwise.
It's kind of a family joke to think about the 5th wheel never moving anywhere at all, but how often do we go through lives with great plans and then never act upon them? Maybe there is a reason that in taking the letter 'v' out of 'lives' one ends up with 'lies': are our lives often just lies when we don't add something into them?
Christians so often do the same thing. We claim to follow Jesus Christ, and we claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and we claim to be following the Word of God. Yet far too many Christians live lies rather than lives. We are so filled with our own selfishness, so filled with the delusions of our everyday existence, that we never really live up to being what God wants us to be.
Lord, make us people who do something with the lives you have given us. May we be people who do not just make plans, only then to let them flounder; rather, help us to carry out what it is that you would have us to do. Forgive us for the time we do nothing with this gift of life, but help us to know how we are forgiven by actively seeking out your goodness in everything we do. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.