Monday, April 29, 2019

An Apology

I stand corrected.  Trump IS the Cyrus that was to come.  Pardon me, I really didn't know what I was talking about.  You were right.  He is the man anointed by God lead us back into his righteous glory.  All praise Trump. 

I mean, how could I have not seen it?  I guess I was deluded by all those liberal media reports that told me that he is on his third wife, that he had all those mistresses that he gave money to in order to keep quiet (I mean, if they were real they would have asked for more than a few hundred grand out of his self-made billions, right?), that he used to go on Howard Stern and brag about his conquests or he would talk about entering contestants' locker rooms at his beauty pageants.  I mean, he wasn't leering at these young women or anything...he just wanted to let them know that he valued their femininity, that he wanted to empower women by encouraging them to express their talents. 

I'm glad that found that T-shirt recently that said loudly and proudly (with an eagle and a flag to boot!), "If Trump is not your president, then this is not your country!"  I mean, that settles it, right?  He won the election, and the libtards just can't stop crying about it.  Never mind that he lost the popular vote by was all them illegals that screwed things up, not the Russians who knew what was best for us.  The only thing I am disappointed in is that we still need to lock Hillary up because, emails! 

Yep, I've seen the light.  When I see all those Facebook pictures of Jesus surrounding Trump in the oval office, putting his loving hand upon his signature, I know it's right!  I know that my Lord and Savior salutes the flag as much as he loves the cross.  I know that he supports all our brave men and women in uniform, that he wants to destroy all of our enemies because we are surely God's says it right there on our money, "in God We Trust"! 

What would Jesus do?  Little better than Trump if he was President!  I mean, letting loose the energy industry again, letting hard-working millionaires pay no taxes, completely de-regulating so many industries...that's all in the Bible when it talks about being Free!  I mean, the invisible hand of the economy is surely God's, isn't it?  Government should just get out of the way and let us all aspire to our best life now, a life in service of ourselves. 

I'm so grateful that we have a president who surely knows right from wrong.  Just like Jesus talking about Pharisees, Trump talks serious smack about anybody who isn't as America-first as he is!  When he made fun of that disabled lady, I really thought that maybe he'd crossed the line, but then I found out she was a reporter.  When he told his supporters to beat up people who booed him, he showed what being a True American is all about!  And heck, when he has college athletes in his office, the primest of prime specimens, he feeds the most American of foods:  fast!  I love his style. 

Such a good man, and I was so wrong.  Sorry, Mr. President.