The new season of Major League baseball has begun, and once again the Royals are still considered major league. That's surprising considering last year's team lost 104 games even though they played a number of young players who might have great potential. If MLB were most soccer leagues around the world, they would have been relegated to AAA and some other team would have taken their place...this only two seasons after winning the World Series. It's a quick trip from the penthouse to the outhouse, as the old saying goes.
So the Royals are five games into the season, and so far the starting pitching has been solid, the team has scored a few runs, and a few young players are playing well. BUT...the bullpen stinks again, today giving up a 6-3 lead to the almost as bad Twins. I was out driving my route and saw that they had been tied 6-6 before I got back and saw that they had lost the game. Oh well, we'll always have 2015. But wouldn't it be nice if we could be at least more than terrible more than once every 30 years?
I am not nearly as big a sports fan I used to be. I don't have cable TV and don't have time to live and die with my teams as much as I do. But I do like to casually drop in once in awhile, and hopefully this year we might even get to a game. And if we do, I hope that I'm not wanting to put my head through a wall when another terrible reliever comes into the game. Is that too much to ask?