Thursday, February 28, 2019

Sugar, annotated

War between Pakistan and India.  Trump.  Winter.  Life is not as it ought to be.

But let's forget about this for 5:02.  I bring you, Sugar, from Maroon 5.  Let's go.

0:11:  According to The Week, this isn't one of the ten important things to happen on December 6, 2014. I beg to differ. 
0:13:  When all this came out I was fasincated by the premise of the video...did they really crash at least 7 weddings?  Yes and no...maybe not 7, and maybe it wasn't always a surprise, and maybe they did this over three days, not one.  But who's still a fun video. 
0:23:  WOOOO! 
0:35:  First 'older guy worried about these young'uns' moment of the night.  Not the last, either. 
0:47:  If you're gonna do this all day Saturday, fine...but are you starting this at a 9am wedding?  'Cuz that's what what it looks like.  Never done a 9am wedding personally, but hey it's L.A.  Maybe this is the wedding where the bride was 3 months pregnant and a 9am slot at the country club was all they could get? 
1:08:  Did they do a sound check before they started playing?  That would have been annoying for the wedding party at 9:15am. 
1:17:  "HEY!  Nickelback!"
1:47:  Still late morning.  Weddings are an all-day thing in L.A. I guess...
2:00:  Is Maroon 5 big in the Asian world?  Were the people at this wedding sad that it wasn't some K-Pop group?  Asking for a friend.
2:12:  And did this chef really know Maroon 5?  Is this his favorite group?  Would he have been more sad if this had been Snoop?
2:21:  "HEY!  Red Hot Chili Peppers!" 
2:50:  And now, the shots at the infamous 'Black Wedding', where everybody is a hologram beamed in from the other side of the planet. 
3:00:  Hotties always be driving on the streets of L.A., rolling up on bands.  L.A., man. 
3:11:  "Geez.  Couldn't we have had the roadies carry the guitars?" 
3:15:  Jessica Pare?
3:43:  Now the drinking starts.  I'm guessing that this is why weddings 3-7 were so condensed, as the band was a wee bit wasted by this point? 
3:56:  "Really, who came up with the idea for this shoot?  I am SO hungry now, and we got 3 more weddings to hit in the next two hours?  Get me Steve on the phone, RIGHT NOW." 
4:05:  Break dancing?  Not what you associate with Maroon 5, but OK, whatever.
4:10:  "Dave.  DAVE!  Sit down, you'll fall and hurt yourself.  DAVE!!!"
4:41:  Was the coolest thing ever the wedding, or the band saying this about themselves?