Saturday, February 23, 2019


This has been a difficult winter.  It's been one of those winters that hasn't been terribly cold or snowy, but it has been grey.  Once in awhile we will see the blue skies and sunlight, but invariably the grey seems to win out.  

Isn't this how life is?  I just finished reading today the Steven Curtis Chapman memoir about his life and career.  It's a brutally honest story of how their marriage and family have not always been perfect...he tries fixing everything, his wife struggles with depression, and they lost a child to a tragic accident.  Grey, threatening skies have abounded in his life, even as his music has inspired me and millions of others. 

But even if the sky is grey and we want to go and run away to Hawaii, life continues on.  We still find joy and love in the lives of one another.  We know that up above the clouds the sky is as beautifully blue as we can ever imagine it, and the storms and the clouds are beneath us.  Even so, it is our human nature to focus on the grey, the negative, the painful, rather than the hope of springtime that our Lord sets before us. 

I am so excited about spring.  My wife and I celebrate 15 years in just over a month, and are going off on a private trip for just a few days.  I am hoping and praying that the weather will be nice, that we can enjoy some kind of warmth, and spring will be what we hope.  It probably won't be...but in Christ we always find hope.