Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Everything She Wants, annotated

For some reason I have not been able to get this song out of my mind in recent weeks.  It's not a great song, and as we will soon see the video is hilarious.  But kind of like Last Christmas, it's so poppy and fun that I love it.  

0:07:  Never a good sign when people are trying to actively leave the video 7 seconds into it...
0:17:  Oh no.  It's the 'We're gonna make this a concert video, but use the studio recording, and just overdub some crowd noise' method of video production.  I think we shoulda known that this group wasn't going last much longer.  
0:22:  WHEEEE!!!  It's one of those money cyclone things!  I love those things, though I've never seen them.  They bring out both greed AND human dexterity issues, all in one hateful machine.  
0:31:  Just once when it came to Wham! I would have loved to have seen Andrew Ridgely be the center of attention.  But he's the Tubbs to George Michael's Crockett, I guess.
0:35:  Oh.  I guess that's why the above is true...
0:58:  "She".  That witch over there.  Yep, that's the money grubbing golddigger I'm talking about.  
1:27:  Gotta give mad props to his hair in this video.  That is some serious body that I never had.  
1:33:  Andrew Ridgely, everyone!  
1:48:  "Don't look at the eclipse!  Don't look at the...DOH!"
1:53:  I mean, what is he looking at here?  Is he also the lighting tech for this tour?  Is this why Wham! didn't last, because they were needing better management?  All for the want of a good production crew...
2:03:  Round and round and round and round and round and round and
2:06:  I can do it too!!!!
2:14:  Air punch!  Hi-keeba!  
2:22:  OK, we gotta talk here about something real...this is a serious diss track, and in the middle of this sidekick Andrew starts laughing and pointing and I DON'T THINK YOU GET THE SERIOUS NATURE OF THE SITUATION, ANDREW.  
2:31:  Well, at least they were married in their screwed up situation.  Gotta give them credit for that.
2:55:  Wait, did Andrew just forget the words to 'oh, oh'?  No wonder George ditched him.
3:16:  Money shot for the ladies...
3:40:  Um, George, can you speed up the dance?  Let's try that again...
4:20:  DANG.  Them Brits know how to high jump!  Maybe they didn't break up because Andrew was holding him back...maybe Andrew quit because he wanted to join the 1984 Olympic team!
4:47:  Knees up!  Knees up!  You're not gonna make the Olympic team if you can't run, Andrew!
4:56:  Can I admit that I haven't ever gotten this far in the song, that I've changed it by this strange part at the end?  
6:02:  I got nothing else.  I think I've seen these same shots of Andrew forgetting words and a random concert crowd shot and a camera flashing and a woman's hand reaching for money and people jumping around about 300 times now...I'm outta here.