Monday, May 13, 2019

Shadow Dancing, annotated

I know it's not cool to like disco...especially some of its most cheezy forms.  But I have always had a strong appreciation for the Bee Gees, Donna Summer, et al.  And then there is lost Bee Gee, Andy Gibb.  What would it have been like to be coming of age as your older siblings are destroying the musical world with Saturday Night Fever?  What would it have been like to have Victoria Principal throwing herself at you?  What would it have been like having everything in your life set up for success, but then not being able to resist cocaine?  That was the Andy Gibb experience.

He died far too young, and he could have been something amazing.  But at least we have Shadow Dancing.

0:08:  What was the stage designer thinking with these pillars?
0:12:  Leg twitch alert!  Elvis had only been dead weeks, and yet here comes somebody shakin' it all about.
0:18:  I would have have especially appreciated in one of his hand mic tosses if he had missed.  'Cuz I know it's all lip synced and everything, but I would have loved watching him try to recover.
0:28:  Evidence A that this is lip syncing...the mic is about 28 inches from his mouth, flying around, and the 1970s audio is perfect.  Sure.
0:49:  Poll: Which is bleached more white, his teeth or his sweater?  I go with the sweater, but it's gotta be close.
0:53:  Barry!  Robin!  Maurice!  When you have the Bee Gees as your backing group, that's gold.
1:12:  Uh huh!  Andy Gibb may have been a terrific performer, but singing all four parts on this show was probably not the best thing he could have done to convince us that this was his song, not Barry's.
1:28:  Take me to the bridge!
1:37:  The studio audience goes wild!!!
2:01:  Um, Mike, you might want to track Andy's head?  Keep it in the inset picture rather than cut off most of his face?  Mike?  You there?
2:14:  Odds are 600:1 at this point that the rest of the Bee Gees are in this studio.
2:36:  1970s feathered hair for both men and women.  Gotta say, I kinda dig that look, even though I'm bald.  Maybe my kids will do this someday for their Donnie & Marie tribute band?
2:43:  Soul alert!
3:13:  This performance gets less sexy as it goes on.  Incredible since it started on the sexy meter at .04.
3:25:  Finishing it out at this point even as the cocaine is calling from the green room is the sign of total professionalism, if you ask me.