My sister does plays. She runs a working theater and is always on the lookout for new plays to produce. Sometimes they do a series of one-act plays that likely nobody has ever heard of and probably won't ever hear about again, but they are still interesting enough that people want to come and watch.
A few months ago I had this idea of writing a one-act play. It's a play about a bus driver and a half-dozen or so students on his bus. You have the stupid kid, the annoying 8-year-old girl with a whiny voice, the 8th grader who likely will be pregnant within two years, and a few other characters. But the breakout star was modeled after a kid on my bus who I used to call 'Talkshow', because he likely will end up hosting a podcast that three people listen to, but he does it so that he has an outlet to talk about all the crazy stuff in his head. 90% of the time the kid was actually funny, but there were times he was so out there that he also qualifies as a future 'Most Likely To Get Beat Up Outside A Bar After Mouthing Off To The Wrong Dude' award winner.
I never got all that far in writing; this is one reason I am writing this blog each day, so that I can get some of the creative juices flowing within me at least a little bit. Writing is Hard Work. I write several sermons and classes a week, but that's so much easier than letting the writing itself speak. I can use the sermon notes and go from there...but to actually write out those sermons would be almost impossible.
Maybe Route Four will one day get finished. A few more days of stuff that I see, and it will eventually write itself, or so I keep telling my lazy self.