When I am stressed I sometimes get little canker sores in my mouth. Usually only one or two, and I deal with it and they are fine in a few days.
I currently have at least eight scattered over all sections of my gums and lips. At least the one that was sitting at the back of my throat making it difficult to swallow anything is gone, but my lips look like I've been punched a few times, that's how swolen they are. It's really disgusting.
Compared to most people my life is really, really easy. I have two jobs that I enjoy and pay enough for me to be OK and provide for my family. My health is relatively good (except when I get canker sores). My kids and my wife are healthy and mostly happy, and there are very few big things in my life that cause me stress.
I suppose with the coldest stretch of winter combined with my truck breaking down and needing an alternator, and my parents not doing a great job moving so far, and the worries of what we would hear at teacher conferences this week, I guess this counts as stress for me. Plus I tried taking some throat drops to get me through my sermons this weekend and I think I had a bad reaction to them, and now my mouth hates me.
My life is really a good thing, but I hate to imagine what will happen when truly stressful things hit. The patient Job I am not; but sitting on an ash heap might be preferrable to any more mouth sores.