Today I am doing my civic duty by filling out the mountains of paperwork known as the federal income tax. They've changed things a lot up this year, but in the end it's the same old thing, just hidden away in some less accessible places. Oh well...not much has changed for my family over the past few years, but while I hear that for some tax refunds have shrunk, for me it appears that it will go up...way up. Not because Mr. Trump is more generous, but because of the affordable care act my health insurance has become cheaper and cheaper each year.
I'm sure that Mr. Trump would want to take credit for this, but considering he and his party have for years been trying to kill the ACA for years I don't really want to give him much credit. The few hundreds that I have gotten as a tax cut so that billionaires can save millions means far less to me than the thousands that I am getting as a subsidy for health insurance. Are my tax premiums still too high? Absolutely, if there were no subsidies. But with those subsidies I can now put much more away for my kids' college funds, retirement, home improvement, charity, and so many other things.
Obamacare is not perfect, of course...somebody is paying the huge amount for my health insurance. But for me and my family, it has worked out really well.