Having finished a number of other books and not wanting anything too heavy on my reading table, I started browsing through my library reading app when a book popped up called 'Hope Never Dies'. On the cover, standing up in the passenger seat of a 70s Firebird was Barack Obama. Driving was Joe Biden. Whaaaa????? Intrigued, I opened up the description and found that it is Obama/Biden fan fiction, a detective story in which they go and solve a mystery. I was in immediately, and have had more than a few laugh-out-loud moments so far in just the first few chapters.
In this time of the misery that is the current presidency, it's escapism that sometimes gets us through the day. As a Christian I am grateful every day that I serve the true king, but even so looking at the slavish devotion that 38% of my fellow citizens continues to give to the Dear Leader makes me sad. Obama wasn't a great president, a B- by my analysis. But at least he had ideas beyond boosting the rich and hating minorities and foreigners and sought to be a decent human being.
This week we learned that our president will not likely be indicted. The special counsel found that there was no collusion between him and Russia, and he gave no opinion as to whether or not he obstructed justice. Trumpites rejoiced...'completely exonerated!' they screamed. Well, not really...we haven't actually seen the Mueller report, only a 4-page book report of it written by a Trump appointee less than 48 hours after 22 months of work was turned in. And if this is what success looks like (not being a traitor, perhaps not obstructing justice but perhaps doing so, and having dozens of your closest advisors gone to jail or indicted), then that's a really low bar for success.
But the president wins this week, as sad as that is. So to 'Hope Never Dies' we go to take our mind off the foolishness that is our world.