A new year, but the same terrible President. Anybody who hoped that this year he would turn over a new leaf and be Decent Don rather than Trumpy the firebomber are to be greatly saddened. After all, a 12 year old in an old man's body doesn't cotton to change very easily, does he?
But I'm still amazed that his support continues to hold steady at around 38%. I'd ask incredulously 'Who are these people?' but they are my family, my neighbors, my co-workers, and my friends in Christ. They are living in a different world, perhaps, but I am still caused to tolerate them in love.
Yet I'm amazed at the defenses these apologists give them. There are 3, I think:
1)"Look at what he's done! He gave us the Supreme Court!" Yes, I'm certainly glad that the conservatives now look at the courts as nothing more than a political football to be won. Any Republican president would have done this, but his supporters act as if he's saved the nation. Gorsuch might well be a good justice, but some of his lower-court appointments...yeesh. Thankfully a few of them have withdrawn after being shown to be incompetent or corrupt. But more worringly are the many foreign service and other national security appointments going unfilled after he has ridiculed their work and driven many out. The real work is done by people who do the work that leaders of both parties take credit for...but if there are not these people doing the work that goes unnoticed, how is Trumpy going to claim victories? Good thing he has the Giant Button on his desk.
2)"But...Hillary!" I did not vote for Hillary...but playing the deflection game gets old and proves nothing. If while growing up my brother had come home drunk, injured after a fight, and having wrecked the car, his defense of "But look at David! He didn't make his bed!" would not have sufficed. It's time for people to stop showing relief at what is not and face up to the reality of what is. And what is, sucks.
3)"I like Trump. He's tough and doesn't apologize and makes us strong. 'Mercia!" What saddens me about this excuse is that it is often up by many of the same Christian people who preach Godliness in so man aspects of life look at the bullying and hatred that is this man's language and then praise it. It's as if people turn their brains off when it comes to this guy, accepting as good and righteous what in any other situation would be wholly unacceptable. Taunting a nuclear rogue state? Undermining the relationships that America has developed over decades of leadership by both parties? Part of being President is about learning how to play nice with others.
I suppose I can take solace in the fact that if the Democrats run somebody besides a convicted felon who has a dead hooker in the trunk of her car, they surely will oust Trump in three years. But man, that seems like a long time.