Four weeks ago I was sick of the election, not just the candidates but the social media crapfest in which we heard nothing but the very worst about two of the worst candidates of all time. And so I decided to jump off Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to take an eight week 'fast'. Perhaps it was also a recognition that I was looking at these things too much. I had thought it would be a total social media fast, but of course I am still blogging and checking email and reading the news. A mini-fast, I suppose.
Of course, I have found out that my plans were naive. Nowhere can I get away from this election...waiting around hospital surgical waiting room C-Span feeds from political rallies were on the TV. Every news story is about the most recent abomination that Trump has spouted, or about some new potential scandal of the Clintons. A friend of mine was telling me about therir vacation cabin having new TV and I was at first envious, before I recognized that I get most of my news from elsewhere.
I used to have this dream back in my single days ending up in some unelectrified cabin and living out my days as a hermit...maybe that still should still be a future bucket list goal. As it is now, I'm just as annoyed as I was a month ago. Let it be over.