It's a pretty safe bet at this point to say that Donald Trump will NOT be our next president. Despite Hilary Clinton being the second-most hated person in America, despite the cowardice of the American population to not even consider looking at third party candidates...he's simply not going to win. He's shot himself in the foot so many times that his unfavorable ratings are 63%; the sense is that he has a ceiling of about 38-40%, and no more. He can't win.
Yet this number that he has a 63% disapproval rating tells us something else: there are still 37% of Americans who either have their heads in the grounds or have decided that yeah, they still really like Donald Trump. After all the allegations of shady business dealings (Trump University, condo deals gone bad, unpaid creditors), all the racist and hateful things he has said to offend anybody who is not an older white male, and now after the recordings of him laughing about groping and even assaulting women, they still look at him and think that everything bad about him is a mainstream media/Clinton Foundation/globalistic plot to keep the true Friend of the Working Man from becoming president.
How do people become so deluded? I get it...there are at least a few of his voters who will vote for him because they think that any Clinton is worse. I can relate to that, as I've considered it myself a few times. And sure, he is unlike any politician on this stage that we have seen since probably Henry Wallace. In a way it's kind of refreshing to have somebody who is not so guarded and measured in their words.
But c'mon. It's still Trump. How can anybody with any kind of conscience, any kind of Christian value system, look at him and still approve at this point? What does that say about a small and loud minority of Americans that somebody will still think that he is our last best hope? Have we really sunk that low?
Yes, yes we have.