A little more than four months before a third straight election that makes millions of Americans want to put their heads in the oven, and last night they had the first debate. Joe Biden or Donald Trump. I didn't watch it, but by all accounts Trump continued his lunatic legacy by spouting lies, and Biden was barely coherent.
I don't really feel anything about Joe Biden one way or another. After four years of the Trump Trainwreck, we needed greatness, but we got Mediocre Joe instead. No matter how much his people keep trying to tell us that he's engaged and laser sharp, we can see with our own eyes that he's a doddering old man who needs to enjoy retirement, not try and run a country.
Early last year Biden should have found a microphone and said, 'Folks, it's been an honor and a privilege. I ran back in 2020 in order to kick that orange fraud to the curb, and I did. Now that we're back on track as a country, I'm gonna retire and turn things over to the younger generation. I'll be here to help make sure that that nimrod doesn't come back, but I'm not running next year. Good luck with everything, see you soon.'
Joe Biden could have wandered off the stage that day and we would have added him to Mt. Rushmore in our thanks. But that never happened, and the Dems are too clueless to know what to do. This should have been a slam dunk. Trump is a criminal with no moral framework and supported by a limited base living in an alternative universe. All the Dems needed to do was find a governor or senator who was at least somewhat centrist, and they would have won this in a landslide. The fact that they have no plan in place tells you everything you need to know about them...incompetent, inept, inert.
As it is, Trump is likely gonna win again this fall. And when that happens, we really are screwed.