Yesterday we arrived home after a much-needed week-long vacation out into the mountains. It was nice to get away, and nice to be 'off the grid' for a few days as I could not get cell phone service many places we went. Not being able to Twitter or Facebook was healthy for me.
Of course, coming back in yesterday there was once again an instance where my first reaction was "Trump said WHAT?" Once again, our adolescent president took to his Twitter handle to say something stupid and vulgar about people whom he feels hurt him. Regardless of when you are reading this, you don't have to check the date, as likely he will say something just as offensive a month or a year from now, just as he said something stupid a month or a year ago. It never ends with this man. Even his supporters may shake their heads and say that he shouldn't say that, but they continue to support this man and so enable his idiocy.
However, after a week of seeing America, even as I enjoyed our trip and am blessed to live in a country with beauty everywhere, I am more and more convinced that he is truly an American President. That is, he actually represents a good percentage of my fellow citizens. A few hours west of here driving through a small town I saw a huge sign that had in crude printing, "Hillary Urine A**hole". I have no idea what that means, exactly, but I am sure that it is not word of praise.
A few days later, I was driving a state highway doing 75 in a 65. A huge pickup was behind me and obviously wanted me to drive faster. When he finally got past me, he gave me the middle finger...not just for a moment, but for a good 15-20 seconds...he wanted me to know for certain how much he hated that I was only going 10 miles above the speed limit.
And then the other day we were visiting an amusement and water park in a large American city. Such places, as I get older, are more and more uncomfortable for me because of the teeming masses of people (I'm a bit of a claustrophobic), but it's not just that there are people there, but that these people who represent so much of America are really quite disgusting. Young couples who have no shame of PDA while waiting in lines, guys who have T-shirts with middle fingers on them to show how rebellious they are, and all kinds of people with terrible tattoos that they have to expose. Near the end of the day I was waiting in the overcrowded waterpark for my kids and a youngish woman with blue hair was screaming on her cell phone, "Mom, it's all just f***ing s**t!" I started to listen in as she screamed for a good ten minutes about how this had been a terrible day because all her friends started going their own directions. No great tragedy, I think, but for her it led to a profanity-laced tirade towards her mother.
Yes, this is the America that voted for Donald Trump. Vulgar, rude, and often disgusting. If we get the president that truly represents America, I don't think we could have made a better choice.