Movies like this that combine action, sex, and supposedly a few laughs are getting tiresome for me in my middle age, as they are so predictable and dull and without any common sense, but once in awhile I watch if it's free at the library. Maybe I'll be surprised, I think. But not this one...I ended up rating it a 5 on IMDB, and was thinking of going lower by the end. Amazingly, Wikipedia says it made $156 million.
Here's the reason for this post: 2 CIA agents are trying to date the same woman and use every available CIA resource at their disposal. They wiretap her house, follow her everywhere, and not just from one team, but two teams of agents working against each other. Likely, millions of dollars of federal dollars are used to track this woman so that each agent can get an advantage. Sound familiar?
It's really not a good movie, but I couldn't help watching this movie through the lens of all that NSA mess not long ago, in which the federal government is basically watching everything we do and say and post on the internet. What was meant in this movie to be Good Clean Harmless Fun is in fact that which has exposed much malfeasance on the part of the government. It's can't be GCHF anymore, because we're all just sick and tired of what they may know about us. And so in the end, why on earth would Reese Witherspoon decide to stick with random dude #2? Any woman who learned what she learned about him in the end, why would she stick with such a moral generate? C'mon, Reese, you're much hotter than that.
A movie like this could never get made in today's climate because of all the spying stuff. But it should never have been made in the first place because it just really wasn't very good to begin with.