Today is the election for the Alabama U.S. senator in which an accused pedophile with a history of being removed from office multiple times will likely defeat a former federal prosecutor with a history of putting away Klansmen because he has R after his name instead of D. And, as voters know, this means they are true to the Constitution, live with integrity, and are specially blessed by God, while the other team hates God, hates America, and hates everything good.
It amazes me how far our national intelligence and morality have plummeted in recent years, and this is just one of many examples. I mean, when GOP now stands for 'Groping Or Perving', there's a problem. Yes, I know...BOTH SIDES are wrong. But at least the Democrats and liberals seem to be exiling their failures even as the GOP is intent on building them up higher and denying that they did anything wrong.
(Take a breath. Look at your own plank. Realize that these problems are bigger than you. Now, continue.)
It's so easy to point out all the problems with our world...but to be honest, I am at a point that I have no idea (except the power of God) how to make things better. The other day I figured out what my problem is...I know exactly what is wrong with something, I know how systems work, and I can see patterns. But making something good out of it? I'm not your man.
So I was watching my daughter and her team play basketball, and it became very apparent that there were a lot of problems with their plan...they were not setting screens, the guards were not passing into the bigs, and they were not communicating on either defense or offense. I could see all their problems...maybe I would be a good scout for a sports team, as I can always see the problems and what is being done.
But, like a lot of Americans, I'm really bad about figuring out how to make things better. I can yell and scream and point fingers, but fixing the problem, and building up my fellow man? Nope. This is why for all my morbid interest in politics, I have never had any desire to run for any public office except for the anointing of Dictator. It's why I'm not a great coach...I can see what is going on, but I can't make the kids do what I want them to do in my mind. It's why I stink at video games...I can figure out all the patterns within the game, but I don't have the ability to exploit them.
Maybe our world is just too complicated today to make a difference in. We'd rather just tear things and people down than build it up to something good.