I'm glad I have this quiet little spot to post things that will never get read by anybody. In truth, I don't want people reading most of what I have to say, though as I say in the heading there are certain things I have to get of my head. Preaching the gospel is far more important than anything I will say here, and I don't want to distract from the gospel, ever. My ideas may be OK or not, but Jesus can save people. Big difference.
But I still cannot fathom how people can vote for Donald Trump. Christian people, people who have been going on and on the last eight years, "We need a Godly man in the White House!" And now they are firmly behind Trump, who might be the most immoral man ever to have a shot at it (sorry, Thomas Jefferson).
But then I realize what modern conservatism has become: a naked appeal to absolute self-interest (be it about guns, taxation, 'state's rights', etc.), even as it is cloaked in the form of godliness. That, my friends, borders on blasphemy. And what makes it even more sad is that many church-going people are completely and totally blind to this fact.
I suppose both major ideologies these days are about self-interest...liberalism champions abortion and gay rights and welfare, which are all about the individual wants...but at least liberalism has the decency these days to do these and rarely call it 'Christian'. Conservatism has so distorted the gospel message in recent years though that many Christians no longer really know what they are supposed to believe or how they are to live. Or, what may be more true but more scary, they know and they just don't care.
It's been a long time since I thought this was a Christian nation, and we drift further from this ideal every day. May God have mercy on us.