Thursday, January 9, 2025

Trump, Carter, and proper sentencing guidelines

Today was a national day of mourning for Jimmy Carter, who was president of our fair country in my very young days.  I remember him not being a good president, a man perhaps in a bit over his head, a man whose inability to fix the problems he inherited led to the Reagan Revolution.  His later years showed a man of character, a man who chose not to pursue the almighty dollar after his presidency, a man who taught Sunday school and modeled the idea of a humble faith and service to God.  

Compare our mourning with a spectacle that will soon take place: Tomorrow will also be a national day of mourning, as our soon-to-be president will be sentenced for 34 felonies in a court of law.  There should be many more than these for which he is convicted, but a friendly Supreme Court as well as a system which favors convicts over righteousness has ensured that he will never face justice for some of the greater evils which he has done.  

By all accounts, his felonies for falsifying business records in order to cover up payments to a porn star (wow) will not land him any jail time or any real consequences for his actions, but that it will be entered into the record that yes, he is a felon, gives me at least the slightest bit of satisfaction.  Short of prison time, though, I've been wondering what the good judge might well make Convict Trump endure.  Some suggestions:

-An ankle monitoring bracelet.  Let him forever be tracked.

-House arrest not in some golf club but in shared duplex with three other convicts, all sharing a bathroom.  

-40 hours of community service.  Put him in a borrowed jumpsuit picking up trash along the side of the road with armed prison guards standing by with shotguns in their hands while the cameras roll.  I'd watch every moment.  

-Twice-monthly check-ins with an overworked parole officer.  Said parole officer continually hounds him about his activities and questions him about the company he keeps.  

-Mandatory attendance at an old-fashioned 'Scared Straight' meeting in which he is yelled at and threatened by real convicts.  

How on earth we have devolved in my lifetime from the election of a decent man like Jimmy Carter to the coronation of a horrible pagan criminal like Donald Trump will haunt me for the rest of my life.  

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Teaching the Bible in Public Schools, a Cirriculum Discussion Guide

There's been a lot of talk recently about certain states wanting to introduce the Bible into school cirriculums.  I grew up in Oklahoma, and the state superintendent of schools has decreed that Bibles (originally the New King James Bible, endorsed by none other than the current President-Election and also including the Constitution and Declaration of Independence) be placed in classrooms and instruction be offered about said Bibles.  This has caused a lot of angst amongst those in our increasingly post-Christendom world because of the demand for separation of church and state; it's also brought angst amongst even many Christians because what happens if little Timmy is told by his atheist teacher that everything in the Bible is just a pious fairy tale?  

I've never taught in schools and have no idea how to organize a cirriculum program, but as one who has two graduate degrees in religion as well as almost 30 years of church ministry, I thought I'd take a shot in putting together a discussion guide for schools about various topics on a middle-to-high school level.  It's not all-inclusive, of course, but there's a few Biblical items that demand discussion and I'm certain wouldn't cause any problem for my more conservative friends.  

Wealth and Prosperity.  

-Jesus of Nazareth tells a rich man to sell all he has and give to the poor (cf. Mark 10:21, Luke 18:22, Matthew 19:21).  Questions for class discussion: If we think of ourselves as a Christian nation, how best do we enact this as government policy?  What is the proper upper wage to begin mandatory enforcement of this Biblical rule? 


-The laws of the Old Testament continually speak of the need to love the sojourners (foreigners).  They must not be oppressed (Exodus 22:21), they must be loved (Deuteronomy 10:19), and as workers they must be fairly treated (Deuteronomy 24:14).  Questions for class discussion: How do we properly respond to political leaders who call all sojourners amongst us 'vermin', demand their deportation, and spread rumors about how they eat common house pets?  


-Marriage and divorce are common social problems today, and were known by Jesus and his disciples.  Jesus was very strict about divoce, going so far as to say that to divorce a spouse and remarry is adultery (cf. Mark 10:11-12).  Questions for class discussion: What should we do with political leaders who have broken these commands?  Would it be possible to remove them from public office, especially if they have broken these commands multiple times?  

Sexual Assault (for high school honors classes only!)

-Deuteronomy 22:25-29 speaks to two instances of sexual assault; one outcome has the rapist put to death, while the other has the rapist responsible for the financial and social well-being of his victim the rest of his life.  Questions for class discussion: Given that many of our national leaders have been proven in court or in ethics investigations to be pedophiles, guilty of sexual assault, or simply horrible past behavior, how best should we follow clear Biblical teaching about them?  Should we kill them publicly as an example of our righteousness?  Or should it be more privately done to reduce their families' guilt?  Give clear reasoning for your answer.  


I have no doubt that the God-honoring, Bible thumping conservatives in our country will be all in favor of my cirriculum, so once it begins being implemented I'll work on the other topics.  But for now this should keep everyone busy...

Friday, November 8, 2024

Why Trump Won

Donald Trump is returning to the White House.  As I write this he is about 4 million ahead in the popular vote, and in the electoral college he won every swing state.  The Senate will have the GOP with a decent-sized margin, and the House looks like it might be red as well.  

A lot of us are stunned and angry.  A lot have created negative answers about the losers in this race: 'The Democrats are incompetent.'  Yep.  'People are tired of liberal wokeness'.  Ok.  'Joe Biden waited too long to not run.'  Agreed.  'Kamala Harris was a bad candidate.'  Not sure about that, but I can see how some think it.  'America won't vote for a woman.'  Likely.  'Inflation and housing costs have made Americans mad.'  Sure, but Biden inherited Trump's Trainwreck of an economy and was fixing it.  'Nations around the world in recent elections have been casting out the incumbents.'  Absolutely.  'Josh Shapiro should have been VP instead of Tim Walz.'  Whatever.

I won't get into the positive answers some are spouting about the greatness of Donald Trump and how he is rightfully coming back to his proper throne, because I don't want to break my computer.  I'm guessing that many people voted for him for that reason, even as many more were simply anti-democrat, anti-incumbent, anti-Harris and voted for him while holding their nose.  

But most of the talk I have heard has not gotten to the real point: the United States of America is a morally and spiritually bankrupt country.  The leaders for whom we vote are in many ways expressions of who we are.  If we vote for a person who is corrupt, immoral, and idolatrous, what does that say about us as a nation?  

This summer I finished 25 years of full-time preaching.  I have become increasingly convinced that one of the primary themes of Scripture is the Kingdom of God.  I'm not the first person who knows this, of course, but I do think that the church has become increasingly heretical by forgetting about the Kingdom.  We have a God who reigns, and we are his subjects.  And if we know that Jesus is Lord, what does that demand about us as his people?  In recent weeks I have seen a lot of 'Jesus is my King, and Trump is my president' flags.  I really want to ask the people who fly them what they mean by that, because Donald Trump is the antithesis of Jesus Christ.  If Jesus is his king, I'm guessing that Donald Trump is not his wingman. 

Of course, there's one other point that may be more troubling than anything.  What if God is returning Donald Trump as a punishment upon us?  We talk of being one nation under God, and Donald Trump has loudly boasted to his supporters that 'I am your retribution.'  What if this is true, that God is choosing to punish us as a nation by giving us such a wicked and immoral man as a leader?  What if he really is the object through which God is bringing about retribution, even as he doesn't even know this?

I have no hope that the next four years are going to go well for our country or the bigger world around us.  Likely NATO will crumble, and Ukraine (and other eastern European countries) will fall because we abandon them.  The middle east will continue to be a fiasco.  RFK Jr. in charge of health means that public health programs will be greatly hindered.  Raising tariffs and lopping off the bottom of the workforce through mass deportations (who do you think builds houses, works in slaughterhouses, and picks labor-intensive crops?) will drive up prices to the point that we will crave 2022 inflation.  Our hatred of migrants will be a dark stain upon us for generations as the best and brightest will no longer feel safe in coming here.  

I said during his first presidency that it might take a decade or more to undo the damage he does to our country, even with good leadership.  I'm not sure that we will recover from his return this time.  Could it be that God has finally lost patience with us?  For years I have heard his supporters think of Trump as a new 'Cyrus', God's chosen instrument (cf. Isaiah 44:23-45:1).  On the one hand I was happy to see that they recognized him as the pagan that he is.  But I think that their Biblical identification of Trump is wrong.  He is much more likely Belshazzar, the foolish king who partied hearty and found destruction the next day (cf. Daniel 5).    

I have seen signs all over for years that speaks of America's need to repent.  While I would likely disagree with the ones putting up as to the reasons we need to repent, I do think that turning back to the God of the Bible and the Jesus of the gospels is our only hope.  Only if we live in the ways of his goodness will we find a way to get out of the black hole we are finding ourselves entering into.  

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Twisters, a Slightly Unhinged Reaction (spoiler alterts!)

As a native Oklahoman who has lived most of his life in Tornado Alley, when the original Twister movie came out 28 years ago it felt like I and my people had been Seen.  Finally, here was a movie about living and surviving the storms that are native to our land.  

Having watched that movie again a few weeks ago, I felt that perhaps I needed to revise my original assessment.  It's a somewhat dopey movie about a dysfunctional couple that should never have been together in the first place and who get back together in the name of scientific discovery, with all kinds of cool special effects thrown in.  While the motivations and the actions of the leads haven't aged well, it's still a watchable movie that proved the truth that all we really need to do to survive a storm is run away from it, or at least not drive into the path of the storm.  

So this summer, almost three decades later, we finally have a sequel: Twisters.  Sure, there are no returning characters, only the tragic figure of Muskogee State College's once-proud doctoral program in Tornadology, town event planners who can't read the freakin' weather forecast and pray their liability coverage will absolve them of responsibility in case of a natural disaster, and the evil villains of Corporate Funding.  Seriously, Helen Hunt didn't need the paycheck?  We couldn't have at least gotten a cameo from Preacher whose near-death experience all those years ago helped him start a TV ministry about the glories of Aunt Meg's steak and eggs?

Instead, in our new movie tornado chasing has become a cross of big business, redneck freedom signaling, and YouTube stupidity.  Our heroine needs to be convinced 5 long years after watching her boyfriend and employees get sucked into the maw of the beast that she needs to return to Oklahoma, but only for One More Job.  See, it's gonna be the tornado outbreak of the century!  Whereas once she failed to kill a tornado, killing Sally Draper instead and only narrowing escaping a charge of manslaughter, her old corporate friend wants her back to guide around the countryside a pack of the most educated Ph.Ds he can afford but who have no storm-chasing instincts.  At first she won't come, because now she's a New Yorker, because, as we know, that's where the hot weather action is now (after all, there was an F1 in Brooklyn only two years ago!).  We know it's New York because she has a meaningful conversation with corporate friend in a coffee shop near a subway station (at least we think it is, but none of the subway lines are listed).  She wakes up with a ghost in her bed as a subway train rolls by her window, and realizes that she's got unfinished business to do.  

After a long and relatively pointless scene where she negotiates her vacation time with the HR office of the National Weather Service, back she comes to lead the polished flock of clueless men.  She doesn't know their equipment, plans, or goals, much less the evil funding behind it all, but she'll immediately direct the day-to-day operations of the new startup.  Soon, though, she's confronted with a YouTuber with a heart of gold, who was raised by wolves in the foreign country of Arkansas and is recognized in the deleted scene as the bastard unknown son of Bill Paxton.  His motley crew, who likely all were inspired by the legacy of Philip Seymour Hoffman's Duffy (he'll tell you why he is who he is, OK?), rally around their hero as they seek to engage in the profit sharing of his videos.  

Tornados immediately sprout from the depths of the plains like sea monsters off the Japanese coast.  Everybody cheers, though, whether for profit or simply for entertainment.  To the side a tiny child tells the adults in broken English, 'Tornado is a friend to all children everywhere!'  The child is quickly obliterated by a flying windmill that was uprooted by a tornado (see, Trump is a genius when it comes to windmills!), but the heroine quickly recovers to survive increasingly powerful twisters that wipe out rodeos, movie theaters, oil refineries, and random houses both in towns and fields.  All the while she and YouTuber come increasingly close as they share their love of tornados under the watchful eye of mama Maura Tierney, whose barn remains to this day a shrine to her daughter's precocious middle school science project.

It's worth noting that all the while the effects of global warming (more tornados! higher seed prices! crazy weather!) are discussed but never named.  It is evident that the producers of this Peabody-winning documentary know that the greater portion of audiences will not be the smug New Yorkers who have a subway train outside their bedroom window, but honest Red-State Americans who know that global warming is as much a hoax as foreign pickups.  The terrible tornados who are not the friend of children everywhere might well be defeated, however, as long as fireworks are shot into the tornado before the diapers.  

Finally, cut to the money shot of the Biggest Tornado Ever Seen descending upon El Reno, Oklahoma.  Lots of running in 200 mile winds enables most of the endangered children at a softball game and vendors at a  downtown street fair (dang it, doesn't ANYBODY have a weather app on their phone to advise them to stay home instead???) to smartly run away from a flying trolley and into a movie theater playing a 1930s monster movie.  Fortunately the power stays on throughout the total destruction of the town and its paper-mache water tower, so we can see what happened in that movie, which would have been a better use of my $6 than this turkey.  

In the midst of the storm, however, our heroine tosses aside sanity and runs out through the swirling debris to the YouTubers' pickup and steals it in order to run it straight into the path of the ongoing tornado.  Much like the original movie, they fortunately over the course of 6 hours had revised their entire game plan, loaded up 30 barrels of diapers, and bought a trailer (aluminum) to carry it all, as well as created a whole new class of fireworks to shoot at the enemy of plains-loving people everywhere.  The hard-charging non-foreign pickup takes our heroine straight into the storm where she immediately demolishes the tornado just as it's sadly bringing to a end the monster movie, and YouTuber and corporate friend run out to celebrate her heroism as she complains about the slight scratch on her forehead.  

Our heroine is ready to go back to New York, but sadly Will Rogers World Airport is closed because of a slight wind.  YouTuber has just enough time to cause two weeks of maintenance closure to the airport drop off line (oh, that lovable scamp!) before running into the airport to sweep the heroine off her feet.  And they live for happily ever after, we think, or at least until the adrenaline wears off.  The End. 


Wild horses couldn't have kept me from seeing this movie.  A 4pm Saturday showing was as packed as any movie I've seen in awhile, because here in the heartland we LOVE our tornados.  If last summer was the year of Barbenheimer, then can we say that this is the summer of Inside Despicable Twisters?  

But once is enough.  I was entertained and annoyed all at once, but most importantly I feel dumber for having watched this movie, and this comes from a guy who has watched every episode of the Dukes of Hazard.   


Friday, June 28, 2024

Folks, We're Screwed

A little more than four months before a third straight election that makes millions of Americans want to put their heads in the oven, and last night they had the first debate.  Joe Biden or Donald Trump.  I didn't watch it, but by all accounts Trump continued his lunatic legacy by spouting lies, and Biden was barely coherent.  

I don't really feel anything about Joe Biden one way or another.  After four years of the Trump Trainwreck, we needed greatness, but we got Mediocre Joe instead.  No matter how much his people keep trying to tell us that he's engaged and laser sharp, we can see with our own eyes that he's a doddering old man who needs to enjoy retirement, not try and run a country. 

Early last year Biden should have found a microphone and said, 'Folks, it's been an honor and a privilege.  I ran back in 2020 in order to kick that orange fraud to the curb, and I did.  Now that we're back on track as a country, I'm gonna retire and turn things over to the younger generation.  I'll be here to help make sure that that nimrod doesn't come back, but I'm not running next year.  Good luck with everything, see you soon.'  

Joe Biden could have wandered off the stage that day and we would have added him to Mt. Rushmore in our thanks.  But that never happened, and the Dems are too clueless to know what to do.  This should have been a slam dunk.  Trump is a criminal with no moral framework and supported by a limited base living in an alternative universe.  All the Dems needed to do was find a governor or senator who was at least somewhat centrist, and they would have won this in a landslide.  The fact that they have no plan in place tells you everything you need to know about them...incompetent, inept, inert. 

As it is, Trump is likely gonna win again this fall.  And when that happens, we really are screwed.